If your child was born in 2013, you can apply now to kindergarten for the 2018-2019 school year. Here are three ways to learn about your school options before the January 12, 2018 application deadline:
- Use NYC School Search to find your school district and learn if you have a zoned school. Your child is most likely to attend your zoned school or a school in your district.
- Read the NYC Kindergarten Directory to learn more about the schools in your community, the Kindergarten Application, and the admissions process.
- Find out when your local schools are having kindergarten open houses and tours, and go to these events to meet staff and see if a school is a good fit for your child.
You can apply one of three ways—online, by phone at 718-935-2009, or in person at a Family Welcome Center. Once you apply, you can still make changes to your application any time before theJanuary 12 deadline. All applications received by the deadline are treated the same.
If you’ve already applied and do not want to update your application, you’re all set.
Questions? Visit our website, email ESEnrollment@schools.nyc.gov, or call 718-935-2009.
The Kindergarten Admissions
The Pre-K Directory is now available online in ten languages, just in time for the holidays!
NYC families with children born in 2014 can apply to pre-K programs starting on February 5, 2018. Pre-K students solve problems, ask questions, develop language skills, and work together.
Use the Pre-K Directory this holiday season to get a head start learning about Pre-K Admissions and exploring your child’s options. If you have any questions, visit Pre-K Admissions or call 718-935-2009.
Happy Holidays!
The Pre-K Admissions Team
Kindergarten Forum Saturday, January 6th at PS 148 (89th Street & 32nd Ave) from 11 AM to 1 PM. Meet with other parents from our local schools and get real answers to your question. There will be a Dept. Of Education enrollment representative to explain the registration & preferences system. Sponcered by CEC 30 & JHBG & JH People for Public Schools See prek and K info below: K information: If your child was born in 2013, you can apply now to kindergarten for the 2018-2019 school year. Here are three ways to learn about your school options before the January 12, 2018 application deadline: Use NYC School Search to find your school district and learn if you have a zoned school. Your child is most likely to attend your zoned school or a school in your district. Read the NYC Kindergarten Directory to learn more about the schools in your community, the Kindergarten Application, and the admissions process. Find out when your local schools are having kindergarten open houses and tours, and go to these events to meet staff and see if a school is a good fit for your child. You can apply one of three ways—online, by phone at 718-935-2009, or in person at a Family Welcome Center. Once you apply, you can still make changes to your application any time before the January 12 deadline. All applications received by the deadline are treated the same. If you’ve already applied and do not want to update your application, you’re all set. Questions? Visit our website, email ESEnrollment@schools.nyc.gov, or call 718-935-2009. Thanks! The Kindergarten Admissions PreK Information: The Pre-K Directory is now available online in ten languages, just in time for the holidays! NYC families with children born in 2014 can apply to pre-K programs starting on February 5, 2018. Pre-K students solve problems, ask questions, develop language skills, and work together. Use the Pre-K Directory this holiday season to get a head start learning about Pre-K Admissions and exploring your child’s options. If you have any questions, visit Pre-K Admissions or call 718-935-2009. Happy Holidays! The Pre-K Admissions Team